Title: Dayan

Genre: Supernatural Thriller

Synopsis: "Dayan" is an enthralling supernatural thriller that revolves around the mysterious and otherworldly occurrences in a small town. The drama unfolds as an ancient curse resurfaces, leading to a series of unexplainable events that grip the community in fear. As the townspeople grapple with the inexplicable, a brave group of individuals embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets behind the curse and put an end to the malevolent force that has awakened.


  1. Ayesha Khan as Alisha: A young and courageous investigative journalist who stumbles upon the supernatural occurrences. Alisha becomes determined to uncover the truth behind the ancient curse, even if it means confronting her own fears and the dark secrets of the town.
  2. Adnan Malik as Zain: Zain, a skeptical yet compassionate paranormal investigator, joins forces with Alisha to decipher the mysteries surrounding the town. His rationality is put to the test as he witnesses inexplicable events that challenge his beliefs.
  3. Saba Qamar as Mahira: Mahira, a local historian with deep roots in the town, holds the key to the ancient curse. As the group delves into the town's history, Mahira must confront her own family's involvement in the supernatural phenomena.
  4. Nauman Ijaz as Malik Saab: Malik Saab, an enigmatic and influential figure in the town, seems to have knowledge about the curse. As the drama unfolds, Malik Saab's past is revealed, and his connection to the malevolent force becomes increasingly apparent.
  5. Mehmood Aslam as Qari Sahab: Qari Sahab, the town's wise and spiritual leader, plays a crucial role in guiding the group as they confront the supernatural. His wisdom and knowledge of ancient rituals become essential in the battle against the malevolent force.
  6. Sajal Aly as Sara: Sara, a young and intuitive psychic, is haunted by visions that provide cryptic clues about the curse. Her mysterious connection to the supernatural makes her an indispensable asset to the group.

"Dayan" weaves together elements of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural, creating a gripping narrative that explores the fine line between the visible and the unseen. As the characters unravel the ancient curse, they must confront their deepest fears and confront the darkness that has plagued their town for centuries. Will they succeed in breaking the curse, or will the malevolent force consume them all? Only time will tell in this spine-chilling drama.